Together we are stronger
become a partner, volunteer, or a funder of KGMA & AFGC
We, the KGMA and AFGC Ministries, are committed to Sharing the Kingdom Gospel Good news to the countries of the world, thus we help everyone, from different denominations to volunteer willing to work in the field to seed the gospel as personal evangelism through their physical efforts to achieve the vision. KGMA & AFGC are always there to encourage, educate, coach, impowered and provide resources to bring evangelism to every corner of the globe.
We are all working together to build God's Kingdom using the resources that He has provided on the earth. KGMA & AFGC encourage all who desire us to bless all your financial blessings and spiritual prayers. let it be known that no blessing is too small or too big. every blessings to make different to someone. Stay blessed, and receive divine benefits to bless our field workers.
It's an excellent opportunity to work for the Kingdom of God. We would like you to join in our programmes. Do not hesitate to contact us, become a partner, volunteer, or a funder. Shalom.
Please have a look at the windows below to help you establish God's Kingdom.
All About You & Me
You are all supposed to be in the field, but unable to do so, why don't you send someone to preach the evangelism instead of you preaching?
Own your heavenly Rewards.
Connect with us
Come and participate with us. It is a matter of heart that unifies and gives power to build the Kingdom of God.