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Rev. Dr. Pedrito Marrero




Ambassador, Rev. Dr. Pedrito Marrero is presently serving as President and Founder of the International Human Rights Peace Commission, Nationally & Globally. As an established Ambassador of Peace Dr. Marrero passion and love for humanity is birthed out of an understanding that all men and women are created equal and are entitled to the basic human rights not only by the law of the land but most importantly by our G-D given rights as His creation.


Dr. Marrero IHRPC organization is proud to have many Peace Ambassadors around the world including the Continents of Africa, India and Asia. Personally Dr. Marrero has traveled to many different countries and including the USA which he presides in spreading the message of Universal Peace and unity to humanity.


Dr. Marrero has had the opportunity to speak to Prime Ministers, Kings, Religious Leaders, Politicians and common folk treating each human being with the dignity and respect that each individual deserves no matter their status in life.

Quote: Humanity is not a religion or a Political Party, Humanity is and was created to be a people of relationship of Peace and Unity is where all must build upon.     

(Dr. Pete Marrero)


As an Evangelist for nearly 20 years and as Senior Pastor of Upper Room Ministry (2001-2007) Dr. Marrero has displayed tremendous devotion in his work in bringing souls to Christ. He was born and raised in a Christian home his father was an evangelist as well and so it would be his destiny to become a vessel in the Hands of our Lord and Savior Jesus to bring people into a true relationship with God.  The commitment is birthed out of the great commission of God established in His Holy word Matthew 28.16.20. 

Dr. Marrero has preached in the New York & New Jersey / Tri-State areas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, India, Africa as well as in Puerto Rico resulting in the Power and Glory of God manifesting itself in signs, wonders, and miracles freeing many from bondage and strongholds in their lives by the absolute Grace and Power of God. Pastor Pete Himself is a living miracle himself having been touched by God at the tender age of 5.

At age 5 Dr. Pete had a terrible fall from a 3rd story fire escape ladder from a building in Brooklyn New York, that fall caused a cerebral concussion from landing head first on the concrete and it resulted in him being in a coma for a few months. 

His attending physicians had told his parents that his chances of survival from that fall were minimal and if he were to survive it would leave him in a vegetative state. If he did come out of the coma it would be even less so they should begin looking into mental institutions in which to place him because the outlook was grim.

God had other plans...he not only came out of the coma by the Grace of G-D and much to the surprise of his doctors he grew up to be a normal healthy man who now is the father of five. He has two sons and three daughters as well as thirteen grandchildren as well as a devoted wife for over 40 years Judith Marrero only God can do miracles such as this. 

This was the beginning of a deep and personal encounter with the miraculous signs and wonders of GOD in testimony that he is the same yesterday, today and forever according to Hebrews 13:8. 

Rev. Dr. Pedrito Marrero
Rev. Dr. Pedrito Marrero

This event catapulted what will later on launch out to be in Dr. Pete’s calling to ministry echoing the words of the prophet in Isaiah The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;


As a ministry Anointed and Appointed by the Grace of GOD and recognized by man Dr. Pete will always give GOD all the Glory and will never compromise the word of the Lord for self-fame or financial profit. As a true ministry we oppose all false prophecies, doctrines of devils, prosperity manipulation, witchcraft, cults, false teachings.

Dr. Pete truly believes if the word of GOD doesn’t change one nothing else will and without Holiness and the pursuit of peace no one will enter the Kingdom of GOD or see Him. (HEBREWS, 12:14) Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Rev. Dr. Pedrito Marrero & Mdm. Judith Marrero

Founder. Rev. Dr. PEDRITO MARRERO and

His wife 1st Lady of KGMA Ministry JUDITH MARRERO

Dr. Pete's Calling of Ministry

Dr. Pedrito's calling of ministry is one of true compassion for the people not of fame and fortune or the applause of man and it has been birthed through anguish and a pure love for God.


Present: Dr. Pedrito Marrero is the President and Founder of the Kingdom Global Ministerial Alliance & AFGC Inc: is a non-profit registered corporation. The sole purpose and goal of the KGMA is to unite people individually and corporately for the better good by implementing a basic principle to treat others as you would like to be treated. Uniting communities to work together in improving our social and economic environment by way of educating and empowering one another.

Currently GOD has Dr. Pedrito ministering in the office of the fivefold ministry by doing so he is reaching out to the body of Christ and its community of believers. In this ordained and assigned ministry Dr. Pedrito is also reaching out to the community of non-believers saving the lost no matter the cost local and abroad. Dr. Pedrito has been called and appointed with a blessed anointing to be a voice to the nations and for the world.

Dr. Pedrito Marrero was a Certified Christian Chaplain with the International Federation of Chaplains Inc.

The ministry of chaplaincy allowed Dr. Pedrito Marrero the ability to visit hospitals, nursing homes, prisons to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. KGMA is committed to work hand in hand with our local government and community leaders, clergy, police, sheriff, and other organizations to educate and improve our communities. The heart and soul of KGMA in its mission is to unite Churches, Communities, Cultures one soul at a time. KGMA biblical foundation is Zachariah 7:10 Take care of our Widows, Orphans, Poor and the Stranger.

 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists,
the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-16

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