KGMA Guides all five types of Ministries. most of failure comes with lack of knowledge and non guidance from a leader who is not properly trained and equipped.
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The population of the world is now over 6.5 billion. Thirty-two percent of the world’s population is considered Christian, but that percentage is dropping even while the world’s population is increasing. It will take strong Christian leadership to reverse this trend and to help complete God’s plan in the world.
It is frequently asked if Ephesians 4:11's listings include functions or offices. An office is the public recognition by the Body of Christ that a person possesses a certain gift and is authorised to minister that gift in what could be called an official capacity. Some writers consider the gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to be offices, while others see them as distinct functions. Some commentators point out that the gifts and functions of the five-fold ministry overlap, making it difficult to ascribe an office or function to a specific individual. However, other writers are confused about function or office, focusing solely on the leadership part of the five-fold gifts.
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